Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out

Folder Disk Usage

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Today my server ran out of disk space. :( With the help of my friend Ed I was able to pin point the exact location. If you run this command from the root of your server: [code]du -sh *[/code] You will get something like the following: [code]5.1M bin 4.0K boot 8.0K dev 5.3M etc 795M home 11M lib 0 lib64 16K lost+found 4.0K media 4.0K mnt 4.0K opt 0 proc 26M root 3.8M sbin 4.0K selinux 4.0K srv 0 sys 0 tmp 1.3G usr 2.4G var[/code] Then you can start drilling down the folders until you find the exact culprit. In my case a log file had grown to 8 Gig in size.