Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out

Calling a Web API

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A few weeks back I stumbled across a post showing how to create a baby monitor type application using Tropo and Phono courtesy of the JavaScript weekly newsletter. This got me thinking about our applications and I thought it would be kind of cool to use a Voice based interface to hit our API to retrieve an valuation from our system. Over the course of a few evening I knocked up a working demo using Rails and Tropo, that can dial our AVM using Skype. If you’d like to give it a whirl dial this number using Skype: +990009369991484011, select option 1 and then enter 8633100 followed by the hash (#) key. The resulting text to speech is a little rough, but pretty cool none the less I thought. If I can I’ll post the sample code up to github in the near future.