Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out

The Road to 80

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Tanking my way to 80 was painful, mainly because the dungeons were so easy and other characters completely outgeared the content. Between 1-60 folks were kitted out in Heirlooms and best possible enchants had more stam than my little tank did, that relied on drops. This resulted in cloth wearers with willy nilly blowing targets up and for the most part getting away with it. But every pull was chaotic, so very early on I specced into Fury and only really tanked when the signed up tank disconnected and we were waiting for a replacement. On the whole a fury warrior felt more effective in terms of threat generation, than a full prot build. I remained Fury until 68, as between 60-70 things were still as chaotic and I don’t particularly enjoy chasing after the cloth wearer that is running away from the tank. At 68 or so I switched back to prot for levelling and while things didn’t die as quickly, nor did I. The wrath dungeons worked out pretty well in terms of tanking, but then again, they felt incredibly familiar.