Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out

IE , the Dom and Long Numbers

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I just spent the best part of 45 minutes trying to figure out a weird issue with a value I was pulling out of a select box (using $F(element)). The value in question was a long number: 1000002229651626, which IE converted at the time of writing the value to the page (this was an AJAX call) to: 1.00000222965163e+15. IE decided to convert my number when I was using the new Option() method to populate the drop down, making the debug process even harder. I personally can’t wait until we get a firebug like extension for IE, right now I’d just settle for an option to view the rendered source. Rant over, the solution is to convert the number to a string: [js] selectBox[x] = new Option(‘Some text’,new String(1000002229651626),false); [/js] On the plus side I came across a neat way to debug values in a form field using the address the browser address bar: [code] javascript:alert(document.all.myfield.value); void(0) [/code] And to see what IE had actually written to the page: [code] javascript:alert(document.all.myfield.innerHTML ); void(0) [/code]
