Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out

Find Is Your Friend - Dos2unix

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Here a few ways to remove those pesky windows carriage return characters from your scripts that you run into when migrating from a windows environment to a *nix. From the command line to recursively carry out this task you can type: [code]find -type f | xargs dos2unix[/code] Where dos2unix is the utility that actually carries out the conversion. If you are using vi to edit a file then you can achieve this conversion as well by escaping and typing the following (note the square brackets and their contents represent keyboard strokes): [code]:%s/[ctrl+v][return]//g[return][/code] This is a regexp type command that tells vi to select the entire file (%) and search (s/) for carriage returns ([ctrl+v][return]) and do a global replace (/g) with non windows return code ([return]).