Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out

BD No Longer Running as Root

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A while back I blogged about instructions for changing the default user for BD, which is root, and finally got round to giving it a go. The links previously posted held all the information I needed, but since they were pretty elaborate, here in condensed form is what I did: [code] ugg:/home/gvs# useradd -d “/usr/local/NewAtlanta/BlueDragon_Server_62/” -c “BlueDragon CFML Server” -s /bin/sh -m bdragon ugg:/home/gvs# passwd -l bdragon ugg:/home/gvs# addgroup bdragon ugg:/home/gvs# chown -R bdragon:bdragon /usr/local/NewAtlanta/ ugg:/home/gvs# su bdragon ugg:/home/gvs$ /usr/local/NewAtlanta/BlueDragon_Server_62/bin/ [/code] And that should do the trick.