Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out

Automating Startup and Shutdown

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One thing I forgot to mention was the configuration of automating the start and shutdown of BD. Again the instructions available are pretty good and I followed the solaris based instructions and here are the symbolic links that I created between my copies of the start and shutdown scripts to rcx.d folders (where x is a numeric value, eg. rc0.d, rc1.d, etc…). The first is the start up link, the rest are all used for shutdown.

host:/etc/init.d# ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc3.d/s95bluedragon
host:/etc/init.d# ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc0.d/K95bluedragon
host:/etc/init.d# ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc1.d/K95bluedragon
host:/etc/init.d# ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc2.d/K95bluedragon
host:/etc/init.d# ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc3.d/K95bluedragon