Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out

JMC Tales

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The JRun management console is intended to be a handy on-line tool for managing your JRun installation, however it has turned to be a nuisance on more than one occasion.

For starters, and I mentioned this in my article, when ever I stopped an JRun instance using the JMC, it would pretty much immediately start up. Great if the server had choked, but when it’s my intention… not so good. The only solution was to stop (and then subsequently start) the instance from the command line. Or installing it as a service, that worked too.

A couple of months back, Benjamin Blackwell, who also published an article in that issue, came across another problem with the JMC. He happened to try and add Verity and COM support for JRun using the JMC. Having added the arguments to the java.library.path, he tried to restart the JRun server to have the changes take effect. And that’s when JRun failed spitting out:

Unrecognized option: -server
Could not create the Java Virtual Machine

I turns out that somehow the JMC had added this to the JVM arguments:

# Arguments to VM
java.args=-Xmx512M -server

And there you go, another handy hint should run into a few issues with JRun. Thanks to Simon and Benjamin for sharing the info.