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More SQL Trickery : Dateparts Dateadd and Casting

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Recently I needed to updated all date fields from whatever value they were to have a date format like this: dd/mm/yyyy 23:59:00

Now the dates were stored like such: 12/10/2003 12:23:06 and many more variants on that theme.

The first step that was needed was to get just the date part and ditch the existing time stamp. I did this by writing a select statement like this one to test my theory:

select top 10 cast(cast(datePart(dd,theDateColumn) as nvarchar)+ ‘/’+ cast(datePart(mm,theDateColumn) as nvarchar)+ ‘/’+ cast(datePart(yyyy,theDateColumn) as nvarchar) AS smalldatetime)
from yourTable

So first I grabbed the date part I was interested in, say the year: datePart(yyyy,theDateColumn). And of course for the other ingredients of a date: months and days as well. Next I wanted to create a new date without the timestamp, so I needed to create a date string. Hence in the query above you see that each date part is wrapped around a cast() function. The value for year for example was cast to varchar, like such: cast(datePart(dd,theDateColumn) as nvarchar).

Next in that step I concatenated the entire date parts and casts into a string that took the format dd/mm/yyy and finally cat it back to small date time giving me a format similar to this: dd/mm/yyyy 00:00:00

OK now I wanted to have that date but with the time part showing one minute to midnight. So the thought process here was take the date in the database increase it by 1 day and take a minute off it (I could do this because I had the exact date at the midnight after the first select process). So first let’s increase the day by 1 and you do this using dateadd(datepart,number,column). In our case the date part if this function needs to update the day, which is annotated using ‘dd’. So back to the theory and let’s write a select statement again:

select top 10 dateAdd(dd,1,theDateColumn)
from yourTable

So now we can build this up to take a minute of that created time using dateadd() again, this time taking off a minute (number = -1 and datepart is ‘n’), the combination of the two would take the column advanced it by a day and take a minute off:

select top 10 dateadd(n,-1,dateAdd(dd,1,theDateColumn))

Now the moment of truth, let’s combine the first query and the last one we build up, so that we get the time stamp of 00:00:00 and then the date advanced by day followed by subtracting a minute, like such:

select top 10 dateadd(n,-1,dateAdd(dd,1,cast(cast(datePart(dd,theDateColumn) as nvarchar)+ ‘/’+ cast(datePart(mm,theDateColumn) as nvarchar)+ ‘/’+ cast(datePart(yyyy,theDateColumn) as nvarchar) AS smalldatetime)))
from yourTable

If you are satisfied with the transformation then you can happily write the update.

UPDATE yourTable
SET theDateColumn = dateadd(n,-1,dateAdd(dd,1,cast(cast(datePart(dd,theDateColumn) as nvarchar)+ ‘/’+ cast(datePart(mm,theDateColumn) as nvarchar)+ ‘/’+ cast(datePart(yyyy,theDateColumn) as nvarchar) AS smalldatetime)))

Easy as… once you know how…